Privacy Policy

We at AurusTM respect the privacy of each user of the Site (referred to as "you" or "a user"), whether it's your first time, or if you've visited our Site previously.

Privacy Policy


This Privacy Statement gives you specific information about how we protect your privacy, how we treat information we collect on the Site that identifies an individual user ("Personal Information") and how we use aggregated information.

The process of maintaining the Web site is an evolving one, and we may modify the terms of this Privacy Policy without notice.

If you have questions about our privacy practices that are not addressed in this Privacy Statement, please feel free to contact us on

How do we collect your data?

We will collect information about you when you visit our Sites or use our Services, including the following:

  • You will have to submit certain information including first name, last name, contact number and email-id for all future communication.
  • When you need to use our Services, we will collect Personal Data as necessary to offer and fulfil the Services you request.
  • Depending on the Services you choose, you are required to provide us with your PII information like name, telephone number, email address. We may require you to provide us with additional Personal Data as you use our Services (If required).

What data do we collect

Information we collect about you is essential to enable us to deliver and improve our services and your personal experience on our website.

We collect certain information like first name, last name, contact number and email id.

We ensure you that the information stored by us is in accordance with our PCI DSS security standard, ISO 27001, and as per the GDPR and CCPA regulation standards.

How will we use the data?

  • We require the user account information which includes details like username, contact details in order to provide services to you.
  • To provide you with information, products and services that you request from us.
  • To revert to you with the queries/issues you had raised.
  • To improve our website and present its contents to you.

Information Sharing

We at AurusTM, respects our user’s™ personal data. Information security is important to us and we use security procedures to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of the personal information we collect.

We do not sell, rent, or lease any individual’s personal information or lists of email addresses to any third parties for marketing purposes, and we take reasonable steps to maintain the security of this information.

Similarly, we do not offer financial incentives associated with the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information.


We use a variety of means to protect personal information provided by users of the Web site, including using firewalls and other security measures on its servers.

No server, however, is 100% secure, and you should take this into account when submitting personal information about yourself on the Web site.

Data Privacy Laws

Depending on the state, country or region where you are located or reside (your “Jurisdiction”), you may have certain rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) or other laws of your Jurisdiction relating to the privacy and protection of Personal Data, in addition to those described in this Privacy Policy.

Under CCPA, California residents have certain rights relating to collection, use, and sharing of their personal information for companies that meet applicable requirements. For example, if you are a resident of California, you have the right to request to know what personal information we have collected about you, and to access that information. You also have the right to request deletion of your personal information under the law may allow us to retain and use certain personal information notwithstanding your deletion request.

Under the GDPR, if you live in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), or the United Kingdom, you may:

  • request access to your Personal Data
  • have incomplete or incorrect Personal Data corrected
  • have your Personal Data deleted
  • suspend or restrict our use of your Personal Data, and if that request is not respected, then to object
  • request a copy of your Personal Data
  • complain to a supervisory authority if you believe your rights under the GDPR are not being respected
  • request to refuse automated decision-making of your personal data to make decisions about you, if such decision-making significantly affects you or produces legal effects

You should request a copy of your Personal Data, we will provide you a copy. The copy of the data will be provided on chargeable basis. You should request the deletion of your Personal Data, we will generally do so as soon as practicable, although your right to have your Personal Data deleted is subject to exceptions, such as, for example, compliance with a legal obligation or for the establishment, exercise of legal claims.

We will take steps to ensure that appropriate security measures are taken with the aim of ensuring that your privacy rights continue to be protected as outlined in this policy, including the following:

  • Data sent to our website is protected by TLS and strong cryptographic algorithms when transmitted across open, public networks;
  • Data at rest on our website is protected by strong encryption and access controls.
  • We run vulnerability scans against our infrastructure (including our website), at a minimum at least quarterly and after any significant change;
  • We conduct penetration tests against our infrastructure (including our website), at least annually and after any significant change.

Data Retention

AurusTM will retain your personal information for as long as we consider it necessary to enable you to use our services, to comply with applicable laws.

Since AurusTM is PCI v4.0 certified the Data Retention and Destruction policy is in place described by the PCI Council.

Updates to Privacy Policy

AurusTM reserves the right to modify this Statement/Policies at any time (We will provide additional notice of significant changes.) Your use of the Site after the date of the last modification listed at the beginning of this Privacy Statement indicates to us that you agree to the changes.

Social Media Widgets

AurusTM hosts a "Connect with Us" link to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. AurusTM use Social Media widgets which can collect your personal information. Your interactions with the social media "Connect with Us" link located on the Site are governed by the privacy policies of the companies that provide them. If you use any of the "Follow Us" link on this Site, we suggest you review the privacy policies of the companies that provide those functions and features.

Cookie Notice

A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on user's computer by web browser while browsing. They can be used to remember arbitrary pieces of information that the user previously entered the fields like user identification key.

This cookie data can then be retrieved and can allow us to customise our web pages and services accordingly. It is important to clarify that cookies do not collect any personal data stored on your hard drive or computer.

Use of Cookies

Cookies can be used to recognize you when you visit our site, remember your preferences and give you a personalized experience that's in line with your settings.

The categories of Cookies this website uses:

Categories of Use Description
Security We use cookies to enable and support our security features, and to help us detect malicious activity.

According to the CCPA, GDPR, Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other applicable intellectual property laws. If you are a copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of one and you believe that material or content residing on or accessible through AurusTM website infringe a copyright, you may submit a Notice of Copyright Infringement.

  • Aurus Inc
  • Copyright 2014-2024
  • Legal Department
  • 1 Edgewater Drive, Suite 200, Norwood, MA 02062, USA
  • Or

Written Communication should include:

  • Physical or electronic signature of the owner or the authorized person to act on behalf of the owner of copyright.
  • Identification/Explanation of the work protected by copyright that you claim has been infringed.
  • Specify the location on our website from where the material that you claim is infringing.
  • Your contact information such as your name, address, telephone number, email id so that AurusTM can reach you.
  • A statement by you that you have good faith belief that the use of material described in the complaint is unwarranted(unauthorized) by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  • Declaration by you that the information in the notice is accurate and under the penalty of perjury, that you are owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

Counter Notice

You can submit a counter notice according to CCPA, GDPR, Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other applicable intellectual property laws.

Upon receiving a notice of copyright infringement from AurusTM and you believe that it has been improperly submitted against you.

Written Communication should include:

  • Your physical or electronic signature.
  • Identification of material that has been removed or access has been disabled.
  • A statement under penalty of perjury that you have good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as result of mistake.

Your full name, contact number, address and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for judicial district to which your address is located or if your address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which AurusTM may be found, and that you will accept service of process from the complaining person who notified AurusTM of the alleged infringement under Digital Millennium Act and other applicable intellectual property laws.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us at for further information/queries.