AurusPay ® Advantage
One platform to handle all merchant transactions regardless of the channel, sales process or processor. PCI P2PE certified and patented secure payments platform with continuously maintained certification and compliance. Out-of-the-box integrations with industry-leading devices, systems and providers in the payments ecosystem provide the flexibility for the merchants to work with the best-in-class technology and partners.
- Support for complex cross-channel use cases
- Innovate with new consumer engagement
- Accept payment on COTS devices
Regardless of where, how and when consumers want to engage with the merchant, we unify the payments processing into our single platform. Brick & mortar, mobile, eCommerce, consumer app, or call center channels are common channels that we support.
"Buy anywhere, Return anywhere", BOPIS, BORIS, BYOD and "Pay anyway", Order online, and curb-side pick-up are some of the sales process that we help merchants enable for their business.
- Secure Transactions
- PCI-DSS, PA-DSS, P2PE, SRC, 3DS 2.x, GDPR and CCPA compliance
Secured with patented and industry compliant technology. We ensure that our PCI-DSS, PA-DSS, P2PE, GDPR and CCPA certifications are continuously up-to-date so the merchant can focus on innovation.
We are at the forefront of SRC & 3DS 2.x to provide better CNP security. Transmission of transaction data is secured using dedicated MPLS circuits into dedicated computing resources. 24x7 monitoring using industry-leading tools to detect transaction and network trends and anomalies.
Reliable and Scalable
- Supporting your daily operations with plenty to spare
- Grow your business, we can handle the growth
- Scale with new breed of Vayu™ payments
Reliable and Scalable
Active-active, multiple rails and store-and-forward mechanisms are designed into our platform to achieve the reliability that is required for payments processing.
We built our platform for scalability from day one using world-class datacenters, dedicated network and computing resources sized for growth. Our engineering resources can be quickly mobilized to deliver feature functionality in compressed timelines.
Cost of Ownership
- Predictable cost model
- Lean cost of ownership
- Payment without terminals
Cost of Ownership
We make the cost of ownership of payment processing as predictable and as lean as possible with our flat fees, buffet menu pricing, no per transaction fees, reduced operation cost and revenue optimization.
Interchange rates with processers are monitored and reviewed periodically to make recommendations how optimize processing costs. Any hardware required for the payments solution is passed through costs with no markup.
- Provide consumers the best experience
- Payments as competitive advantage
- No wires/cable – go contactless on existing mobility devices
We have worked with merchants to make their vision of their Store of the Future a reality. Innovation is second-nature to us as evidenced by the multiple patents we hold for our secure payments platform.
Alternative payments, multi-channel buying and returning processes, order ahead, curb-side pickup, and BYOD pump activation are some of the innovative payment processes and mechanisms we support with our platform.
Flexibility of Choice
- Your choice of best-of-breed solutions
- Be agile with your consumer experience
- Repurpose any phone or tablet to accept payments
Flexibility of Choice
Merchants have the flexibility to choose best-of-breed solutions for their payment processing ecosystem with our platform. Our worldwide processor certifications, device agnostic approach, multi-lingual implementation and multiple out-of-the-box integrations with leading POS systems allow for this flexibility.
Our agile engineering team can quickly deliver customizations should it be necessary to extend the base product.
Ease of Migration
- Quickly capitalize on new opportunities
- Agility to leap frog competition
- Existing integrations seamlessly transition to Vayu™
Ease of Migration
Migrating from one payment system to another could be complex and challenging. Our years of experience has honed our tools, processes and engagement teams to quickly and easily tackle the challenge.
POC emulators, no-touch installation process, dedicated onsite coordination resources and support and our focus on operational excellence are some of the facets that enable us to migrate merchants with ease.
Trusted Partner
- Work with a seasoned partner
- Advice backed by 20 yrs. of experience
- Patents keep you out of PCI scope with Vayu™
Trusted Partner
Our 20 years of experience in the payments processing industry has allowed us to develop our payments expertise and have become a trusted partner to many merchants, processors and device manufacturers.
Merchants have looked to us for guidance and thought leadership. We engage our merchants in regular dialogs to better understand their needs and to help steer their payments processing strategy for competitive advantage.